carbonyls and carboxylic acids

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  • aldehydes and ketones can be reduced to primary and secondary alcohols respectively using reducing agents like sodium borohydride (NaBH4) dissolved in a mixture of water and methanol
  • carbonyl compounds undergo nucleophilic addition reactions because the carbonyl carbon is electrophilic due to the polarisation of the C=O double bond, which makes it susceptible to attack by nucleophiles
  • carbonyls are compounds with a C=O bond. they can be either aldehydes or ketones
  • when 2,4 DNPH is dissolved in methanol and concentrated sulfuric acid, it reacts with carbonyl groups (C=O) found in aldehydes and ketones to form a bright orange precipitate
  • aldehydes have their carbonyl group at the end of a carbon chain
    ketones have their carbonyl group within the carbon chain
  • the 2,4-DNPH reaction only occurs with aldehydes and ketones due to their C=O group
    other carbonyls like carboxylic acids (COOH) and esters (COO) do not react
  • tollens' reagent formed by mixing aqueous ammonia and silver nitrate. the active substance is the complex ion of [Ag(NH3)2]2+
    conditions: heat gently
  • reaction of tollens' reagent: aldehydes only are oxidised by tollens' reagent into a carboxylic acid. the silver (I) ions are reduced to silver atoms
  • observation of tollens' reagent: with aldehydes, a silver mirror forms coating the inside of the test tube. ketones result in no change
  • aldehydes will undergo oxidation to form a carboxylic acid
    the reagents are potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7 and sulfuric acid H2SO4
    reagents react in situ to form the oxidising species, Cr2O7 2- and H+
  • balanced ionic equation for the oxidation of ethanal to ethanoic acid is
    3CH3CHO (l) + Cr2O7 2- (aq) + 8H+ (aq) -> 3CH3COOH (aq) + 2Cr 3+ (aq) + 4H2O (l)
  • what is the simplified balanced symbol equation of oxidation of ethanal to ethanoic acid
    CH3CHO + [O] -> CH3COOH
  • in the laboratory, the oxidation of ethanal to ethanoic acid is gently heated under reflux
    as the reaction proceeds, a colour change is observed, from orange to green due to the oxidation state of the chromium changing
  • NaBH4 is used commonly in organic synthesis
    this compound is made of a BH4- ion which acts as a source of hydride ions H-
    the hydride ion is the species that is involved in the electrophilic addition and reduction of carbonyl compounds to alcohols
  • simplified balanced chemical equation for the reduction of pentane-2-one
    CH3COC3H7 + 2[H] -> CH3CH(OH)C3H7
  • hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is a weak acid that will partially ionise in solution
    a cyanide nucleophile with a negative charge on the carbon atom is formed
    HCN + H2OCN- + H3O+
  • hydrogen cyanide
    the cyanide ion cannot react directly with carbonyl compounds. but when the reaction is acidified, the carbonyl functional group becomes more reactive as polarity of the C=O bond is increased
  • hydrogen cyanide
    addition of cyanide allows further carbon atoms to be added to the organic molecule
    in this reaction a hydroxynitrile is formed
  • brady's reagent is an orange transparent mixture of methanol, sulfuric acid and a solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH)
    • when brady's reagent added to an aldehyde or ketone a yellow/orange precipitate of 2,4 DNPH derivative is seen
    • no precipitation is observed with a carboxylic acid or an ester, despite these compounds also having the C=O bond
  • the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone derivative precipitate can be collected by filtration and purified using recrystallisation
    after drying the accurate melting point of the pure product can then be measured through experiment
  • the aldehyde or ketone can be identified by comparing the melting point of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone derivative precipitate with a database
    the database is a list of accurately measured melting points of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone derivatives, listed against the aldehyde or ketone that made it
  • tollens' reagent
    1. sodium hydroxide solution is added to silver nitrate solution until a brown precipitate is formed
    2. dilute ammonia is added drop-wise until the brown precipitate redissolves
  • tollens reagent can be used to distinguish between an aldehyde and a ketone
    it is a weak oxidising agent and can react with the carbonyl functional group in an aldehyde but not a ketone
    • when tollens reagent is added to a ketone there is no reaction, this is because ketones cannot be oxidised further
    • when tollens reagent is added to an aldehyde a silver mirror is observed
  • when aldehydes react with tollens reagent a redox reaction occurs
    the silver ions are reduced and the aldehyde functional group is oxidised
  • balanced ionic equation for the oxidation of the silver ions
    Ag+ (aq) + e- -> Ag (s)
  • the oxidation of silver ions causes silver metal to be precipitated out and this is observed as a silver mirror effect on the inside of the reaction vessel
    simultaneously the aldehyde functional group is oxidised to a carboxylic acid, oxidising agent is summarised as [O]