Cards (7)

  • Heating with acidified sodium dichromate (VI)

    the orange solution turns green, indicates the compound is being oxidised
    typically oxidises alcohols and aldehydes
  • addition of 2,4 DNPH
    bright orange precipitate is formed, indicates presence of carbonyl group (C=O) which could be aldehyde or ketone
  • A no. alcohol so although it can be oxidised, it doesn't react with 2,4 DNPH to form precipitate
    B. no. ketone so although it can form a bright orange precipitate with 2,4 DNPH, it does not oxidise further under mild conditions
    C. no. secondary alcohol, it can be oxidised to form ketone which will react with 2,4 DNPH to form precipitate but not carbonyl compound initially
    D. yes. aldehyde so can be oxidised to form carboxylic acid, can form bright orange precipitate with 2,4 DNPH due to carbonyl
  • step 1: the smell of peppermint remains because menthone is a ketone and does not oxidise easily under given conditions
    step 2: NaBH4 is a reducing agent, this reduces menthone (ketone) to menthol (secondary alcohol), indicates loss of smell during reduction
  • write the structural formula of the organic product formed when hydroxyethanal reacts with tollens' reagent
    tollens reagent is a mild oxidising agent so can only oxidise aldehyde (-CHO) group
  • the biochemist also reacted hydroxyethanal with acidified dichromate by heating under reflux. write an equation for this oxidation.
    HOCH2CHO + 3[O] -> HOOCCOOH + H2O
    powerful oxidising agent used so
    aldehyde group oxidised once (no water produced)
    primary alcohol oxidised twice due to reflux
    water formed from oxidation of primary alcohol -> aldehyde
  • the biochemist then reduced hydroxyethanal using aqueous NaBH4. write the structural formula of the organic product.
    This happens because NaBH₄ is a strong reducing agent that adds hydrogen to the carbonyl group (C=O) of the aldehyde, turning it into an alcohol.