
Cards (4)

  • Greater bandwidth
    • Optical fibres are thinner than copper wires allowing more fibres to be bundled together in each cable
    • allows for more signals, to be passed through the cable
    • Multiplexing also allows more signals to be carried along a single optic fibre.
    • combination of multiple fibres in one cable and multiplexing provides more bandwidth
  • Speed and efficiency
    • broadband rate of information transfer is greater because light has a higher frequency
    • Digital signals transmitted in an optic fibre can be directly used by devices because most devices use digital systems
    • Less energy wasted because of total internal reflection
  • Interference
    • Signal can be regenerated so there is little loss of information, and the signal can be used over very long distances
    • Unlike copper wires, optic fibres are less susceptible to electrical interference so better-quality output is produced e.g. the signal is clearer
  • Safety of information transfer
    • Signals are resistant to hacking because they are more secure.
    • Breaking the cable – carrying the bundles of optic fibres – for eavesdropping is very hard as, would be detected.