Inferential testing

    Cards (10)

    • Choosing a statistical test
      Simon Cowell wants more singers receiving unanimous praise
      Sign Test
      Mann-whitney u
      Spearman's Rho
      Related t-test
      Unrelated t-test
      Pearson's r
    • Nominal Data

      Data of categories only. Data cannot be arranged in an ordering scheme. (Gender, Race, Religion)
    • ordinal data

      data exists in categories that are ordered but differences cannot be determined or they are meaningless. (Example: 1st, 2nd, 3rd)
    • Interval Data
      Interval data are based on numeric scales in which we know the order and the exact difference between the values. Using units of measures such as cm, g
    • Probability
      A measure of likelihood that a particular event will occur where 0 indicates statistical impossibility and 1 statistical certainty.
    • Significance
      A statistical term that tells us how sure we are that a difference or correlation exists. A 'significant' result means that the researcher can reject the null hypothesis.
    • Critical value
      when testing a hypothesis, the numerical boundary or cut-off point between acceptance and rejection of the null hypothesis
    • Type 1 error (false positive)
      The incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis
    • Type 11 Error (False Negative)
      The failure to reject a false null hypothesis
    • level of significance
      The usual level of significance is 0.05 (5%) or in a medical study it is 0.01 (1%). This means that the probability that the observed effect was down to chance is 5%.
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