Ethical - enhanced brain function - meta analysis of 289 ppts it improved depression. Kadosh found that maths, language, attention and cognitive ability improved.
Unethical - enhanced brain function - only 10% of electrical current reaches the brain tissues. Fuchs found ethical concerns over TDCS (transcranial direct current stimulation).
Ethical - preventing/ understanding criminal behaviour - Raine et al found NGRI brain differences. Cocarro found that fMRI scans found that individuals with IED (a disorder) showed increased activity in the amygdala compared to the control group.
Unethical - preventing and understanding criminal behaviour - Farah lose mental freedom as they were denied right to social freedom but still had control over their mind and body. Raine shouldn't be using brain scans to determine guilt. Concerns over using brain scans in court.
Ethical - understanding consciousness - Owens used brain scans to investigate people who are in a vegetative state for many years showed signs of consciousness as the man was asked to imagine playing tennis and the researchers found the motor cortex was active.
Unethical - understanding consciousness - could be used to determine whether life support should be withdrawn which raises ethical concerns of whether we have the moral right to withdraw care.