Cards (12)

  • What did Somerset inherit?
    - A foreign policy that was almost impossible to fix
    - By 1546, over 2 million pounds had been spent on war with Scotland and France
    - Spurred the debasement and selling of monastic lands
  • What was the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh?

    - 1547
    - The last pitched battle between Scottish and English armies
    - Scotland supported by 4000 French troops
    - Somerset sent 16000 troops and 4000 cavalry
    - English victory
  • Was the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh actually an English success?
    - Superfically yes
    - However, it only pushed France and Scotland closer together and destroyed any chance of a renewal of the Treaty of Greenwich
    - While Somerset throught the defeat would settle down Scotland, it stirred up nationalism and desire to cultivate a Franco-Scottish allience
  • What were the English Garrisons in Scotland?
    - Despite winning the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh,
    Somerset lacked funds to maintain a military presence
    - Somerset was preoccupied with domestic policy and did not advise Lord Grey on the issue
    - This lack of commitment encouraged a Scottish attack where 5000 English troops were besieged at Haddington Castle
    - They were unable to capture Edinburgh castle as France assisted Scotland and gained control over Mary Queen of Scots in August 1548 with 10000 troops
  • Why did Somerset's peace with France fail?
    - Francis I died and was replaced by Henry II, a much more aggressive character who did not want a defensive alliance
    - Forced Somerset to improve defenses on Calais and Boulogne
    - Sent troops to Scotland
  • How much did Somerset's foreign policy cost?
    - £600,000
  • What was the Treaty of Boulogue?
    - Signed 1550 by Northumberland
    - In exchange of 133333 and removing garrisons in Scotland, therefore restoring boarders to what they were before Henry VII
    - Agreed marriage between Edward and Henry's second daughter Elizabeth
  • Were they any Trade Embargo's?
    - Yes
    - Trade Embargo with the Netherlands from 1551 to 1552
  • What was the significance of Mary's marriage Treaty?
    - It was very much in favour of her
    - Stated Phillip may not "possess any sovereignty in his own right" or taken any heirs out of the country without permission
    - Mary had achieved her aim of a closer alliance with the Habsburgs
    - Successfully crushed the Wyatt Rebellion in 1554
  • What happened with Mary and French War?
    - A war between France and Spain began in 1557 and initially, Mary remained neutral
    - However, in 1557, the Privy Council sanctioned the dispatch of 7000 troops led by Penbrooke who were successful in the Battle of St Quentin in which the town was given to Spain
  • What happened to Calais under Mary?
    - The Duke of Guise sought to revenge on Calais
    - Lord Wentworth did not think this threat was significant and was caught by surprise, paving the way to the loss of Calais
    - Initially, Phillip sought negotiations for the return of Calais, however, after Mary's death, this collapsed due to lack of Spanish commitment
  • How did Mary reform the Military and Navy?

    - They was a decline in the navy after Northumberland made peace with France in 1555
    - A new building programme was started, improvements were made to dockyards and naval expenditure was increased through a new system of financing
    - The Militia and Arms act of 1557 improved the procedures of supplying arms and equipment and made arrangements for raising and maintaining the county Militias