Newtons laws

Cards (3)

  • Newtons first law
    • "a body continues in its state of rest of motion unless acted upon by a force"
    • E.g. pool game -  the white ball will remain in its state of rest until a force (the cue from the player) is applied to it and once it starts moving, it will remain in its state of motion until a force (friction between the ball and the surface) eventually bringing it to its rest
  • Newtons second law
    • "the acceleration of a body it proportional to the force applied to it, and inversely proportional to the objects mass"
    • E.g. Golfers putt if small force applied to the ball using a putter results in slow acceleration but a larger force applied to a ball using a driver results it fast acceleration
  • Newtons third law
    • "every action has an equal and opposite reaction"
    • E.g. doing a crouch start gives the athlete more momentum as the force is applied of the block onto the player and exerts the force back to the athlete sprinting of the block,