A microorganism that can potentially cause disease.
Antigen Definition
A molecule that triggers an immune response; usually large, e.g. protein, polysaccharide, glycoprotein.
Antibody Definition
A protein secreted by B lymphocytes; each one specific to a different non-self antigen .
B lymphocyte Definition
A white blood cell that causes a humoural response to infections by secreting antibodies; matures in the bone marrow.
T lymphocyte Definition
A white blood cell that causes a cellular response to infection; matures in the thymus.
Humoral Response Definition
Term given to describe the way in which B lymphocytes produce antibodies in response to infection.
Cellular Response (mediated) Definition
Term given to describe the way in which T lymphocytes respond to an antigen-presenting cell.
Plasma cell definition
Type of B lymphocyte which releases antibodies; formed when a B lymphocyte divides and produces clones.
Memory cell Definition
Type of B lymphocyte that remains dormant in blood and recognises antigens if they enter the blood again so that antibody-producing cells are produced faster than before.
Antigen-Presenting Cell Definition
A 'self' cell has been infected; now has the pathogen's antigens on its cell surface.
Histamine Definition
Chemicals released to help phagocytes squeeze through gaps in capillary walls.
Lysosomes Definition
Organelles present in large amounts inside phagocytes; contain enzymes to digest the pathogen.
Phagocyte Definition
Type of white blood cell that ingests and digests pathogens.