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    • Imamate - Belief that all imams should be spiritual descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
    • Shia Muslims believe that imams are inspired by God, are without sin and can interpret the teachings of the Quran without making any errors
    • Sunni Muslims - make 90% of the Muslim population agree that the rightful successor of Muhammad (pbuh) was Abu Bakr
    • Shia Muslims (Party of Ali) believe Muhammad (pbuh) chose Ali as his rightful successor, After Alis death, the shia Muslims were lead by the 12 imams who were spiritually descendants of Muhammad (pbuh)
  • The Twelvers
    Branch of Shia Islam that believes in the 12 imams after Muhammad (pbuh) death
    The twelth imam has been kept alive by God and is hidden somewhere on Earth
    Its believed he will reveal himself and bring equality