host and source

Cards (4)

  • benefit of host country
    • skill shortages filled in certain employment sectors
    • migrants usually spend their money locally, adding to local economy
    • stronger political and social understanding exists between countries
    • new cultures change identity of place
  • costs for host country
    • social tensions due to housing or job shortages
    • language barries preventing integration
    • migrants add pressure to education and healthcare systems
    • new cultures can change identity of place and traditional ways of life lost
  • source country benefits
    • remittance payements can form a significant part of countries GDP
    • authorities can spend less on public service provision and there is less pressure on resources
    • migrants may return home with new skills and qualifications
  • source country costs
    • people with high level skills most likely to migrate known as brain drain effect- youngest and fittest leaving
    • reduced need for youth services eg universities may force them to close
    • families can be split causing poor social stability for children