Classification of Criminals

Cards (15)

  • Acute criminals – they commit crimes due to impulse of the moment, fit of passion, anger or spell of extreme jealousy.
  • Chronic criminals – they are those who acted in consonance with deliberate thinking.
  • Normal criminals – their psychic conditions resemble that of a normal individual, except that they identify themselves with criminal prototype
  • Ordinary criminals – considered to be the lowest form in the criminal career and engage only in conventional crimes that require limited skills
  • Professional criminals – they are highly skilled and able to obtain considerable amount of money without being detected due to organization and contact with professional criminals.
  • Accidental criminals – they commit criminal acts as a result of unanticipated circumstances.
  • Situational criminals – they are not actually criminals but commit crimes due to a given situation.
  • Habitual criminals – they continue to commit criminal acts for diverse reasons due to deficiency of intelligence and lack of self-control.
  • Active-aggressive criminals – they commit crimes in impulsive manner usually due to their aggressive behavior.
  • Passive-inadequate criminals – they commit crimes because they are pushed to do it, by inducement, reward, or promise without considering the consequences
  • Socialized criminals – they are normal in their behavior but mere inadequate and defective in their socialized process
  • Pyknic Type – those who are stout and with around bodies , they tend to commit deception , fraud and violence
  • Athletic – those who muscular and strong . they usually connected with the crimes of violence
  • Asthenic type –those who are skinny and slender . their crimes are petty thieves and fraud
  • Dysplatic or mixed type – those are less clear evident having any predominant type . their offense are against decency and morality