Qe major

Subdecks (41)

Cards (819)

  • Criminology
    The entire body of knowledge regarding crimes (Edwin Sutherland)
  • Raffaele Garofalo
    Coined the term criminology
  • Paul Topinard
    Used the term criminology for the first time in French
  • Cesare Beccaria

    Author of Crime and Punishment (1764)
  • Cesare Lombroso
    Father of Modern Criminology
  • Cesare Lombroso
    Founder of criminal anthropology
  • Cesare Lombroso
    Italian prison doctor working in the late 19 centuries
  • Enrico Ferri
    A student of Lombroso believed that social as well as biological factors played a role
    Made use of data and statistical analysis to gain insight into the relationship between crime and sociological factors
    Found that age, gender, poverty, education, and alcohol consumption were important factors related to crime
  • Edwind Sutherland
    He suggested that people learn criminal behavior from older more experienced criminals that they may associate with
  • Victimology - study of the role of the victim in the commission of the crime
  • Dactyloscopy - Science of Fingerprint
  • Polygraphy - Science of lie detection examination
  • Ballistics - study of firearms and Bullets
  • Criminal psychiatry - study of human mind in relation to criminality
  • Criminal Ecology - study of criminality in relation to special distribution in community
  • Criminal epidemiology - study of the relationship between environmental
  • Criminal Demography - study of relationship between criminality and population
  • Criminal Psychology - study of human behaviour in relation to criminality
  • Criminal physical anthropology - study of criminality in relation to physical constitution of men