Q.E 23

Cards (20)

  • Generoso Reyes - First Filipino Fingerprint Technician employed by the Philippine Constabulary.
  • Isabela Bernales - first female Filipino Fingerprint Technician
  • Capt. Thomas Dugan - New York Police Department and Flaviano Guerrero, FBI Washing ton gave the first examination in fingerprinting in 1927 and Agustin Patricia of the Philippines, top the examination.
  • PRINCIPLE OF INDIVIDUALITY - states that no two fingerprints of different persons or the neighboring fingers of the same person have ever been found to be identical or exactly alike in all respect
  • PRINCIPLE OF CONSTANCY - the states that the papillary ridges are immutable, perennial, and individual from the third month of the embryonic while the child is still at the mother's womb and it will never change until decomposition sets in after death.
  • PRINCIPLE OF INFALLIBILITY - This states that the fingerprint can never be forged or copied.
  • JOHN DILLENGER - US notorious public enemy No. 1,
  • ROBERT JAMES PITTS - Gained fame as the man without fingerprints knowing from an inmate of the possible destruction of fingerprints
  • LOCARD AND WITKOWSKI - Who performed rather painful experiments on themselves by burning their fingerprints with boiling water
  • Friction Skin - is the epidermal hairless skin found on the ventral/lower surface of the hands and feet covered with minute ridges and furrows and without pigment and coloring matters.
  • EPIDERMIS - the outer covering of the skin
  • DERMIS - the inner layer of the skin containing blood vessels, Various glands, and nerves. It is where the dermal papillae are found
  • DACTYLOSCOPY - the science which deals with the study of fingerprints as a means of personal identification.
  • DACTYLOGRAPHY - the study of fingerprints for identification.
  • DACTYLOMANCY - an attempt at character reading through the pattern of fingerprints.
  • DERMATOGLYPHICS - are the lines, tracings, and designs on the skin of fingers,
  • CHIROSCOPY - scientific examination of the palm of the handpalms, and soles.
  • POLYDACTYL - a hand having more than ten required numbers of fingers
  • PODOSCOPY - scientific examination of the sole of the foot.
  • POROSCOPY - Scientific examination of sweat pores/glands.