REPRIEVE – postpones the execution of an offense to certain day
COMMUTATION – remission of a part of punishment a substitution of a less penalty for the originally imposed.
PAROLE – conditional release of a prisoner from correctional institution after serving the minimum period of prison sentence.
CONDITIONAL PARDON – conditional exemption of a guilty offender for the punishment imposed by a court.
ABSOLUTE PARDON – total extinction of the criminal liability of the individual to whom it is granted without any condition whatsoever resulting to the full restoration of his civil rights
PROBATION – Is a disposition under which a defendant after conviction and sentence, is released subject to the conditions imposed by the court and to the supervision of a probation officer.
PENOLOGY – Simply means the treatment of the criminals
JAIL – It is the place for temporary confinement for person awaiting court action and the convicted offenders serving short sentence.
JointPolicingCommittees (JPCs) – are a recent feature in Irish crime prevention. They constitute a partnership process within each of the 114 local authority areas
FRANZIER – According to him, community policing is proactive, solution based and pro-driven
FRANZIER –He enumerate the 5 basic purposes of Community Relations
Nullumcrimennullapoenasinelege - there is no crime where no law punishing it
Actus non facit reum , nisimensrea - an act does not render a man guilty of a crime unless his mind is equally guilty
Actus me invito factus,noestmeusactus – An act done by me against me is not my act