Q.E 13

Cards (20)

  • Ordinary witness – states facts based on his personal knowledge but limited to drawing out opinion and conclusions.
  • Expert witness – is a person who has skill in an art, trade or science or has a knowledge in matters that is not known by other men with ordinary education.
  • IDENTIFICATION – an analytical method to determine the identity of substances
  • CLASSIFICATION – placing the evidence to a class member
  • INDIVIDUALIZATION – the process of establishing the common source of physical evidence
  • Qualitative Examination – identification of substance present in the sample.
  • Physical test – investigating the physical property of the sample specimen
  • Chemical test –investigating the chemical property of the sample specimen.
  • Confirmatory examination –utilize higher form of analysis that prove the result of physical and chemical test.
  • Quantitative Examination –determining the percent purity of the sample.
  • COMPARISON – Method of determining similarity or conformity of the characteristic of questioned evidence to a known standard
  • Individual Characteristics – attributed from a common source with an extremely high degree of certainty. The evidence produced the same characteristics repeatedly.
  • Class Characteristics – property of evidence that can only be associated with the group and never with a single source. The property is the same throughout the whole group not by a single specimen.
  • Crime scene – is an area or vicinity of occurrence of physical evidence
  • Crime scene investigation – is much more than processing (searching), documenting (notes, photos, and sketches), and certainly, more than bagging and tagging/ markings physical evidences, the main objective is to know how to recognize physical evidences to be processed
  • Recognition –is a qualitative process of systematically evaluating physical evidence to determine if their qualifications are sufficiently similar or substantially equivalent
  • Identity – is always sought during criminal investigation
  • Mathematical probability – most of the human action requires judgements. The outcome of an event can be logically estimated based on past performance, known conditions and experience.
  • Individual characteristics – what make one thing different from all other similar items are individual characteristics.
  • Class characteristics – while class characteristic is a property of evidence that can only be associated with a group and never with a single source.