SOCIAL CONTROL THEORY – looking for factors that make people become criminal, these theories tried to explain why people did not become criminal.
LabelingTheory –This theory states that the reaction of other people in the immediate effects of this reactions create deviance
Conflict theory –assumes that society is based primarily on conflict between competing interest groups
NEUTRALIZATION – This theory review the process of becoming a criminal as a learning experience in which potential delinquents and criminals master techniques that enabled them to counterbalance or neutralize conventional values
and drift back and forth between illegitimate in conventional behavior
RADICAL THEORY – argue that capitalism is an economic system that requires people to compete against each other in the individualistic pursuit off material work period the destructive effects of capitalism, such as crime, are not caused by
income or property inequality or by poverty.
SOCIAL REACTION THEORY – Commonly called labeling theory
SOCIAL STRUCTURE THEORY – This theory suggests that social and economic forces operating in deteriorated lower class areas push many of their presidents into criminal behavior patterns.
SocialDisorganizationTheory – links crime rates to neighborhood ecological characteristics. What is organize area is one in which institutions of social control
SocialDisorganizationTheory – Indicators of ____ include high unemployment, school dropout rates, with their you rated housing, low income levels and large numbers of single parent household
STRAIN THEORY – This theory holds that crime is a function of the conflict between the ghost people have and the means they can use to legally obtain them
Cultural Deviance Theory –This theory combines elements of both stream and social disorganization.
THEORY OF DELIQUENTSUBCULTURES – This theory suggests that a delinquent behavior of lower class suits protests against the norms and values of middle class culture.
The Theory of Delinquent Subcultures –incapable of achieving success legitimately, lower class experience status frustration, they join in gangs and engage in nonutilitarian, malicious and negativistic behavior.
THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL OPPORTUNITY – suggest that delinquency can result from differential opportunity for lower class youth
REACTION FORMATION –according to Albert Cohen, it is when the youth rebound from conventional failure
ROBERT MERTON – He postulated the Strain Theory.
CLIFFORDSHAW – Social Disorganization Theory is based on the work of Henry McKay together with
CLOWARDANDOHLIN – these two see lower working-class deliquents as sharing their own deviant sub cultural values
HENRYMCKAY AND CLIFFORD SHAW – social disorganization theory is based on the work of these two.
Northandsouthpole – according to Quetelet’s “thermic law of delinquency”,crimes against persons predominate in the South Pole during warm season while crimes against property predominate in the North Pole and cold countries.