Cards (15)

  • ORDER MAINTENACE – involves managing minor offenses and neighborhood disorders in order to address community problems.
  • POLICE – the first component of the justice system to deal with the commission of the crime.
  • BUY-BUST OPERATION – also known in legal and police parlance as a form of “entrapment”.
  • RATIONING – refers to when the police selectively enforces criminal law for various reasons.
  • The Prosecution – It is under DOJ, PAO under DOJ
  • PROSECUTION – simply pertains to “a criminal action “
  • PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION – Is an inquiry or proceeding to determine whether there is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief
  • BAIL – Is the security given for the release of the person in the custody of the law, furnished by him or the bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any court as required under the conditions as specified.
  • BAIL BONDS – essentially an extension of the principle that all suspects are innocent until proven guilty.
  • 10-20% – percent does bail bond agent charge as fee in total bail
  • Bail Bond Agent – A person who acts as surety for the accused’s bail money
  • Court - the regular civil courts
  • JURISDICTION – Is the authority of the court to hear and try a particular offense and to impose the punishment provided by the law
  • VENUE – Refers to the place, location or site where the case is to be headed to be heard on its merits
  • January of 1991 – PNP established