Q.E 8

Cards (20)

  • Habitual criminals – they have no organic criminal tendency, but in the course of their lives they have developed some foul habits
  • Passionate criminals – these are individuals who are easily influenced by great emotions.
  • PHYSIOLOGY –study of the body build of a person in relation to his temperament and personality and the type of offense he is most prone to commit.
  • Mesomorphs – people who have athletic and muscular physique; with active, assertive and aggressive personality.
  • Endomorphs – people who tend to be fat, round and soft, and to have short arms and legs.
  • Ectomorphs – people who are basically skinny with lean and fragile body.
  • PHYSIOGNOMY –Refers to the study of the facial features of a person in relation to his criminal behavior
  • PHRENOLOGY – study of the external formation of the skull indicating the conformation of the brain and the development of its various parts in relation to the behavior of the criminal.
  • Ada Juke –known as “The Mother of Criminals”.
  • John Kaspar Lavater – revived the study of psysiognomy
  • Sir Jonathan Edwards –He was a famous preacher during the colonial period
  • PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY –This theory blames criminal or delinquent behavior in a conscience that is either so overbearing that it arouses feelings of guilt, or so weak that it cannot control the individual’s impulses.
  • Sigmund Freud –the founder of psychoanalysis
  • Charles Goring – studied the mental characteristics of 3000 English convicts.
  • Moral Development Theory –This theory contended that moral reasoning develops in three stages. He called the first stage, “preconventional”; the second stage, “conventional”; and the third, “postconventional”.
  • Lawrence Kohlberg –He pioneered the Moral Development Theory.
  • Mental deficiency – This is a condition of arrested or incomplete development of the mind existing before the age of 18, whether arising from inherent causes or induced by disease or injury
  • Idiots –persons with a mental defect to a degree that they are unable to guard themselves against common physical dangers. Their mentality is comparable to that of a two year old child.
  • Imbeciles – persons with a mental defect, which though not amounting to idiocy, is yet so pronounced that they are incapable of managing themselves or their affairs.
  • Feeble-minded – persons with a mental defect, which though not amounting to imbecility, is yet to pronounced that they require care, supervision and control for their own or for protection of others, or in case of children, they appear to be permanently incapable of receiving proper benefit from instruction in ordinary schools