Q.E 19

Cards (20)

  • Burning (direct) – the principal damage due to flame and muzzle blast is more visible than to the penetration of bullet.
  • Singeing (1 to 2 inches) – slightly burnin
  • Smudging – produced when the gun is held from about 2 inches to the maximum of 8 inches
  • Tattooing (8 to 18 inches) – (Black coarsely peppered pattern). Individual specks of tattooing around the hole are visible
    by the naked eye
  • Harrison-Gilroy – test for the presence of lead, antimony and barium
  • Sodium Rhodizonate Griess Test – test for the presence of nitrates.
  • Lucas Test – a characteristic smell that decreases in intensity with lapse of time and is observable immediately after
  • Hydrogen sulfide – another product of combusting gunpowder and is present in the gaseous state that can be detected
    by means of a lead acetate paper.
  • Rusting – as a rule does not commence for several days.
  • Presence of nitrates – diminishes after a lapse of time
  • Toxicology – the scientific study of the nature, properties and effects on living organism and detection of poisons and
    the treatment of poisoning.
  • Paracelcus (16th century) – German-Swiss physician/ alchemist and Father of Modern Toxicology
  • Descriptive Toxicology – involves toxicity testing of chemicals providing information for safety evaluation and regulatory
  • Mechanistic Toxicology – concerns with identifying and understanding mechanisms by which chemicals exert toxic
    effects on living organism.
  • Regulatory Toxicology – involves in decisions, based on data provided by descriptive and mechanistic toxicology,
    whether a chemical poses a sufficiency low risk capable for consumers for stated purposes.
  • Forensic Toxicology – concerns primarily with the medico-legal aspects of the harmful effects of chemicals on human
    and animals
  • Clinical Toxicology – concerns with disease caused by or uniquely associated with toxic substances.
  • Environmental Toxicology – focused on the impacts of the chemical pollutants in the environment on biological
  • Occupational Toxicology – study of the adverse effects of agents that may be encountered by workers during the course
    of their employment
  • Risk – the potential likehood that injury will occur in a given situation