Approachtotheequator – according to Montesquieu (Spirit of Laws, 1748), criminality increases in proportion as one approaches the equator, and drunkenness increases as one approaches the North and South pole.
Seasonoftheyear – Crimes against persons are more in summer than in rainy season well crimes against property or more during rainy season. Climatic conditions directly affect once irritability and cause criminality.
Soil formation – More crimes of violence are recorded in fertile level lands than in hilly, rugged terrain.
Monthoftheyear – There is frequent incidents of violent crimes during warm months from April to July having its peak in May.
Temperature – Studies showed that the number of arrests increases quite regularly with increase of temperature
Humidityandatmosphericpressure – According to a survey, large numbers of assaults are to be found correlated with low humidity and a small number with high humidity.
Wind velocity – Studies explain the during high wind, arrests were less.
Alcoholism – It is a form of vice causing mental disturbance.
Drug addiction – This is another form of vice which causes strong mental disturbance
Romans –formulated the first essential element of forensic science
Forensic –comes from the Latin word ‘forensis’ / ‘forum’ which means marketplace, used in conducting public discussion, business, and legal proceedings
Forensic Science –is an application of scientific principles to criminal and civil laws that are enforce by police agencies in a criminal justice system
Criminalistics –is the largest branch of forensic science, may be defined as scientific discipline directed toward the recognition, identification, individualization, and evaluation
Forensic Chemistry –deals with the application of chemical theories and principles in the solution of legal problems in connection with the administration of justice
Forensic Toxicology –is the use of toxicology to aid medico-legal investigation of death and poisoning.
ANCIENT CHEMISTRY –use of medicines and materials based on experience of what worked and did not
Hammurabi’scode – the most famous code named for the Babylonian king in power
Greeks –were the first one to set forth idea of science as a system or method of looking at the world.
TheFryerule (generalacceptance) – The court’s ruling held that scientific evidence is admissible if the techniques are accepted as valid by the relevant scientific community
TheDaubertDecision (1975) – The decision provided a list of criteria of judge could use such as error rate and peer