Science is a systematic approach to understanding natural phenomenons and how natural events relate.
An Experiment is the systematic investigation and manipulation of variables.
Practice refers to the act of providing interventions for clinical situations or problems based on the findings from research in their respective fields.
Applied typically occurs in an applied setting or a natural enviorment of a problem.
Applied research adresses realworldproblems.
Qualitative research invetigates the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or materials.
In a group design, the two typical measures that are used are pre and post-data collection format.
Single-case research design can have multiple cases being studied.
The dependent variable in single-case research is always behavior.
Single-case research design uses baseline logic.
Repeated measure design allows for greater understanding betwen IV and DV and other extraneousvariables.
Visual analysis is when we observe how data on a graph changes over time in response to our intervention.
Written permission needs to be obtained from the relevant school's staff to conduct research in a school setting.
Personally identifying information about the participants should always be removed and handled very carefully if it can't be removed.
All data needs to be stored for a least 5 years.
A comparative question asks how does an IV result in an increased or decreased DV compared to a different IV.
A parametric question asks does a certain amount of unit or level of an IV produce a different effect on the DV than some of the other units/levels of the IV.
A demonstrativequestion asks how does the IV result in an increase or decrease in behavior.
Componentanalysis asks does an IV with a givencomponent result in a change in the DV.
You spend 6months with groups of people and interview them for qualitativeresearch.
You have 500 people and put them in a treatment group or a control group for a groupdesign.
You measure 1 treatment on 3 people over time in a single-subjectdesign.
You assess the relationship between 2 variables in correlationalresearch.
You try to find the cause of something in causal research.
Sampling bias occurs in SCD studies when researchers use additional, non-explicated, reasons for including or excluding potential participants.
Multiple-treatment interference can occur when a study participant’s behavior is influenced by more than one planned “treatments” or interventions during the course of a study.
Instability refers to the amount of variability in the data (dependent variable) over time.
Cyclical variability is a specific type of data instability that refers to a repeated and predictable pattern in the data series over time.
Regression to the mean refers to the likelihood that following an outlying data point, data are likely to revert back to levels closer to the average value.
Adaptation refers to a period of time at the start of an investigation in which participants’ recorded behavior may differ from their natural behavior due to the novel conditions under which data are collected.
The Hawthorne Effect, which refers to participants’ observed behavior not being representative of their natural behavior as a result of their knowledge that they are participants in an experiment.