Description of the Business: the name of the business, along with the type of business structure (PLC? Sole trader? Partnership?) and the aims + objectives should be listed
Section 2:
Description of the Owners: the name/s of the owner/s, along with their qualifications + experiences and their role/s in the business should be identified
Section 3:
Marketing Mix: Details of the product, price, place and promotion should be listed so the business can see how the product is being sold
Section 4:
The Market - details of the target market, along with the competitors and the business's estimated sales should be included.
Section 5:
Fixed Assets of the Business - details of the premises, motor vehicles, machinery, equipment used by the business should be listed.
Section 6:
Finance - details of the loans needed or used, grants, money invested and where all the money comes from. Financial statements should also be included.