thesis- .a concise statement that expresses a main idea about a topic.
Cohesion concerns the flow of sentences and paragraphs from one to another.
how should a speach end- call to action
advocacy- public support for an idea plan or way of doing something
personal interest, current affairs, information
magine this- a grey, gloomy and grim day at the office. Sat in the same squeaky old chair. Writing emails, doingadminwork looking at the samemould on the jail like window with sagging cloudshidingaway even a slither- a beam of sunlight.
You finally reach your flat. Dark, depressing and disheartening studio flat. You slouch onto the couch, and soak in the empty emotions as you feel the loneliness begin to creep onto you. What's that? A light pat on your leg, a fuzzy and warm pat.
. You sit up and there he is. The one light and happiness in your life, looking up at you with joy and reverence. As the night passes you watch the latest episode, scooched up on the couch. Only this time you're not alone.
Interestingly, in 2022, 49.63% of adults in the UK reported feeling lonely occasionally, sometimes, often or always Approximately 7.1% of people in Great Britain experience chronic loneliness, meaning they feel lonely ‘often or always’
Loneliness not only clutches on to the adults minds, but corrupts the happy and youthful minds as teens. Our children- our babies. Taken by the monster of loneliness and depression.
You're really just gonna stand there as it takes `more and more? 5284 suicides were registered in 2022*. This is 65 more than in 2021. The overall suicide rate was 10.5 per 100,000.
There's only so much therapy can do, it can offer you advice, comfort- even a sense of care. But will it fix anything? Will it fix the endless cycle of darkness?
Having a friendly warm friend to cuddle up beside you after a long hard day, makes life lighter. In addition, it is proven that cats have many health benefits.
Lower risk of heart disease: Interacting with cats can lower blood pressure and cortisol levels, positively affecting heart health.
Bone, tendon, and muscle healing: Cat purring helps with bone, tendon, and muscle healing.
Speaking of purring, it also
Lowering stress levels
Easing dyspnoea (shortness of breath) in both cats and humans
Decreasing pain and swelling
Promoting wound healing.
If you want to save yourself and future generations from depression and loneliness, act now, or will you stay ignorant to the clear unobstructed and detrimental challenge that your children face today.
This could all easily be avoided by rescuing a hungry love deprived kitten, and therefore rescuing your child from the depth of inescapable despair.