A stated intention on what the researcher is trying to investigate
What is a hypothesis?
An informedguess that can be supported by evidence or refuted
What is a pilot study and its aims?
A smallscale trial run of a research conducted before the actual research. It aims to test the procedures of the research and make any necessaryimprovements in the case of errors like the wording of questionnaires. It also aims to improve the overall quality of the research and help avoid unnecessarywork and save time and money which improves the validity and reliability of research
State the advantages of pilot studies
It identifies problems that can be addressedbefore the main study. Conducting a pilot study may conclude that the research would be impractical or unnecessary and save the researcher time and moneybefore the full study
Can help to highlight deficiencies in the researcher’s skills. It can highlight issues in the way a researcher conducts research and overcome potential problems. It can also replace the researcher with a more skilled one
State the disadvantages of pilot studies
Time consuming and costly
Different participants may be needed for actual studies due to participantbias like demandcharacteristics, leading to low validity
What is a sample and a sample frame?
A sample is a selection of a population used for a study; a sample frame is a list of all the members of a population
Why is it important that samples aren’t inaccurate?
If they are, it may make the sample unrepresentative of the general population and not allow for generalizations
What is primary data?
Data collected by the researcher for themselves (known as field research)
Operationalisation means clearly defining variables and concepts of a research so that they can be objectively measured
Official statistics are those created and published by governments - they are practical and economical, more valid and representative, useful for comparative research
Personal documents include diaries, documents photographs and autobiohraphies
Participant observation is when the observer becomes part of the situation being observed. Covert is closed so they’re unknown, overt is open so they’re known
Confidential +
Informed consent+
Right to withdraw
Quantitative methods are always reliable only and qualitative methods are always valid only