found strong correlations in relationships satisfaction & selfdisclosure
men & women who used self disclosure that was reciprocal were more committed & satisfied with their romantic relationship
shows that people in relationships who have self disclosed info leads to people being more attracted to each other & committed to each other in a relationship
X issues with causality?
can establish relationship between self disclosure & attraction but dont know if being attracted to someone makes us more likely to disclose/if disclosing is causing stronger attraction
sample only focused on 1 type of relationship - homosexual couples may look for different factors in partners which impact attraction
? internal
cannot establish cause & effect relationship between self disclosure & attraction in relationship
suggests may be other factors affecting attraction - physical appearance
* practical application?
research in this area has shown us that self disclosure leads to stronger relationships by increasing attraction in romantic relationship
can use this knowledge to help couples who are struggling in relationship/maintain relationship by encouraging them to open upto each other & talk to partners about personal info in gradual process by starting at low risk & moving to more high risk disclosures
has helped us in realworld to help people have happier relationships wih more attraction
X only effective at certain points?
if self disclosure is used too early may actually have opposite effect & leads to decreased attraction
eg if someone discloses too much - desires/beliefs/secrets at start of relationship may lead to them not being found attractive
if its not done gradually & reciprocated by other mate then can give reverse effects so its not always effective in increasing attraction in romantic relationship