Medical terminology Englisht

Cards (98)

  • Amnesia
    A condition that causes people to lose their memory
  • Amputation
    Permanent removal of a limb
  • Anaemia
    Occurs when the body doesn't have enough red blood cells
  • Appointment
    A scheduled meeting with a medical professional
  • Bedsore
    Wounds that develop on a patient's body from lying in one place for too long
  • Benign
    Not harmful (not cancerous)
  • Biopsy
    Removal of human tissue in order to conduct certain medical tests
  • Blood count
    The amount of red and white blood cells a person has
  • Blood pressure
    The rate at which blood flows through the body (high/low)
  • Brace
    A device that holds injured body parts in place
  • Broken
    A bone that is divided in two or more pieces as a result of an injury
  • Bruise
    Injured body tissue that is visible underneath the skin
  • Caesarean section, C-section

    Procedure that involves removing a baby from its mother through an incision in the woman's lower abdomen
  • Cast
    A hard bandage that is wrapped around a broken bone to keep it in place
  • Chickenpox
    A virus commonly contracted by children, characterized by itchy spots all over the body
  • Coroner
    A person who determines the cause of death after a person dies
  • Critical condition
    Requiring immediate and constant medical attention
  • Crutches
    Objects that people with injured legs or feet use to help them walk
  • Cyst
    A sac in the body-tissue filled with fluid (sometimes diseased)
  • Deaf
    Unable to hear
  • Deficiency
    A lack of something necessary for one's health
  • Dehydrated
    In need of water
  • Dementia
    Loss of mental capacity
  • Diabetes
    Type of disease typically involving insulin deficiency
  • Diagnosis
    Medical explanation of an illness or condition
  • Discomfort
    Experiencing pain
  • Disease
    A medical disorder that is harmful to a person's health
  • Dislocated
    When a bone is temporarily separated from its joint
  • ER (emergency room)

    The hospital room used for treating patients with immediate and life-threatening injuries
  • False negative
    A test that incorrectly comes back negative
  • Family history
    Medical background of a person's family members
  • Fatal
    Causing death
  • Fever
    Higher than normal body temperature
  • Flu (influenza)

    Many types of respiratory or intestinal infections passed on through a virus
  • Fracture
    Broken or cracked bone
  • Germ
    A micro-organism, especially one that causes disease
  • Genetic
    A medical condition or physical feature that is passed on in the family
  • Growth
    A ball of tissue that grows bigger than normal, either on or under the skin
  • Heart attack
    Instance in which blood stops pumping through the heart
  • Hives
    Bumps that appear on the surface of the skin during an allergic reaction