Power is divided among different branches of government to prevent concentration of power.
Judicial Review
The judiciary has the power to declare laws unconstitutional.
What is a constitution and its aims ?
Establish rules and law
Aims to regulate the relationship between state and its citizens
set of important rules that regulate
Is the Uk codified or uncodified?
What is the difference between a codified and an uncodified document? A codified document is a document that has been written down and is considered to be the law.
what is the difference between a codified and an uncodified document
A codified document (written) is a document that has been written down and is considered to be the law. (in one document)
An uncodified (unwritten) is a document from different sources
What is unitary?
A system of government where power is concentrated in a central authority.
primary legislative powers lie with the central organs of state
Thoeburn v Sunderland
Constitutional statute might be protected from repeal if a later act of parliament conflicts with it
Parliaments Acts 1911 & 1949
Restricted the HouseofLords powers
House of Lords can only delay passage of primarylegislation
Length of time is restricted
The HumanRights Act incorporated ?
The Europeanconvention on Human rights into uk law
Scotland Act 1998 -
devolution of powers to Scotland, including the Scottish Parliament, Scottish courts and Scottish government
Scotland Act 1998
Created scottish parliament
Devolved power away from westminister
Fixed term parliament Act
Reapled by disolution Act
5year waiting period between elections
What are conventions?
Rules of behaviour which are not legally enforceable but are morally binding
Attorney General v Jonathan Cape
Publishment of labour politicians diary
Breached the convention of collective ministeral responsibility
Courts could notenforce it
What are prerogative powers?
Residual arbitratry power retained by the monarch
Examples of prerogative powers?
Declaration of war
Royal assent
Pickin V British Railways Board
Courts in this country have no power to declare enacted law invalid.
Jackson v Attorney General (Lord Hale states)
Constraints upon what parliament can do are political and diplomatic rather than constitutional
Institutional authority
what are the two types of constitutionalism?
Political and Legal
Political constitutionalism
Making sure politicians and government follow rues laid out in the constitution
Government/ Judiciary have legitimacy to develop the constitution
Legal constitutionalism
Determine the scope and meaning of constitutional texts and rules .
Capacity to protect minority constitutional rights in the face of majority wishes
Parliament will always enjoy democratic legitimacy more than courts
What is devolution?
Transfer of powers from a central government to states local government or region
Local government Act 1992
Addition of single tier unitary authorities
Elected mayors
What test is used to identify the existence of conventions?