P2: Keywords

Cards (9)

  • Derelict
    In a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect
  • Informal work
    Work that is not formal or organized and is not paid which provides a small wage and limited health regulations
  • Remittance
    A family member living in a different country can send money back to their country of origin to support their family
  • Skilled Migrants
    Migrants who have a job offer from a skilled employer
  • Social Inequality
    The difference in quality of life between the highest income family and lowest income
  • Sustainability
    The ability to have minimal environmental damage and social inequality, whilst conserving resources for the future
  • Squatter Settlements
    Clusters of temporary housing which migrants live in, often built on unfavourable land
  • Urban Greening
    Growing more vegetation and trees in the centre of a city
  • Urban Sprawl
    The process of a city growing out and spreading out, taking over surrounding greenfield land