A weapon must never be pointed at anyone in any circumstances
A weapon must always be handles so that it points in such a direction that there is no danger if a round is accidentally fired
Whenever a weapon is picked up, which has not been under an individual's direct supervision it must be examined to make sure that it is not loaded e.g. NSP
The muzzle of a weapon must never be rested against any part of the body
Whenever a weapon is handed to someone else he/she must first be shown that it is unloaded. When anyone else hands a weapon to him/her he/she must insist that the same action is taken
A weapon must be in the unloaded state prior to travelling in a vehicle or during non-tactical moves on foot
A cadet must never be allowed to fire a weapon unless he/she has been instructed and practised in its use under supervision. A period of revision should be conducted on the weapon prior to live firing
When conducting training with weapons, cadets should, at all time, carry their DP or GP rifle or LSW with the sling fitted, except when undergoing formal parade ground drill