Management is the process of coordinating a business resources to achives its goal
Effective management is POLC which stands for planning, organising, leading and controlling
What are the 9 skills of management
Interpersonal, Communication, Strategicthinking, vision, decisionmaking, flexibility, adaptability to change, reconciling the conflicting interests of stakeholders
Interpersonal skills: Work,understand and communicate with others and their needs.
Communication skills: The ability to guide, discuss and convery ideas and plans with others clearly
Vision: Able to see beyond the present day and plan for futuresuccesses
StrategicThinking Skills: Ability to think ahead about what might happen and how it will affect your business
DecisionMaking Skills: Ability to make decisions that benefit the company
Reconciling Conflicting Interests Skills: Ability to balance competing demands from stakeholders within an organisation to satisfy their needs
Adaptability to Change: Willingness to accept new challenges and opportunities
Flexibility: Adaptable to changes within the market or industry
Problem Solving Skills: Ability to identify problems and find solutions
Internal Stakeholders are:
External Stakeholders are:
Government agencies
Trade union
S.M.A.R.T stands for:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound
Maximise profits: Total revenue-Expenses(Total costs)
Increase revenue by rising prices and/or increasing the amout of products
Revenue: Price x Quantity
Increase Market Share: The proportion of a market controlled by a particular company or product