5 homeostasis and response

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  • homeostasis
    a self-regulating process by which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions.
  • Cells in the body
    • Can only survive within narrow physical and chemical limits
    • Require a constant temperature and pH
    • Require a constant supply of dissolved food and water
  • Control systems
    Constantly monitor and adjust the composition of the blood and tissues
  • Control systems
    • Include receptors which sense changes
    • Include effectors that bring about changes
  • Nervous system
    Brings about fast responses
  • Hormonal system
    Brings about much slower changes
  • Hormonal coordination

    Particularly important in reproduction since it controls the menstrual cycle
  • Understanding of the role of hormones in reproduction
    • Allowed scientists to develop contraceptive drugs
    • Allowed scientists to develop drugs which can increase fertility