domestic violence

Cards (10)

  • coleman et al
    found women were more likely than men to have experienced intimate violence across all 4 types of abuse: partner abuse, family abuse, sexual assault, stalking
  • dobash and dobash
    research using police and court records, interviews with women
    found that violent incidents could be set off as husbands saw women challenging authority
    they argue marriage legitimises violence against women
  • crime survey for England and Wales
    estimates that 7.3% of women had experienced domestic abuse compared with 3.6% of men
  • official statistics
    • many argue are not an accurate representation of domestic violence
    • victims unwilling to report
    • police may be reluctant to record, investigate crimes
    • leads to dark figure of crime where many cases are lost or never discovered
  • yearnshire
    found that on average a women suffers 35 assaults before making a report
  • cheal
    police are reluctant to report crimes because they are not prepared to become involved with the family , believe it is not as important as other crimes
  • 2 explanations of domestic violence
    1. radical feminist explanation
    2. materialist explanation
  • millett and firestone - radical feminist

    argue all societies have been created by the patriarchy
    men are the enemy
    domestic violence is an inevitable feature of patriarchy
    a03 - deterministic, ignore female crime, not all women are most likely to be victims
  • Wilkinson and Pickett - materialist explanation
    see DV as the result on stress on family members caused by social inequality
  • Ansley - marxist feminist
    • women are takers of shit
    • dv is the product of capitalism
    • male workers release their anger on capitalism and work on women