Use to combine two or more cells in MS Excel spreadsheets
Merge & Center
Combining two or more and cells and align the data in the center of the cell combined
Merge Across
Merges the selected cells into one cell from the leftmost cell across the selected cells. It does not automatically center the data. Merge Across only works for selections across columns, not rows
Merge Cells
Merges the selected cells into one cell from the upper leftmost cell across the selected cells. It does not automatically center the data
Unmerge Cells
Unmerges a cell that has been merged
Resizing the Size of Columns in MS Excel
1. Navigate your mouse between the columns
2. Hold the left click and drag your mouse
Resized Cell
Resizing the width of a column
The boxes formed by lines in the cell in Excel. Used to distinguish specific values, outline summarized values, or separate data in ranges of cells
Auto Formula
Helps user to create formula easier and faster. It has a lot of option you can choose from
Sort & Filter
Helps user to organize data from letter A to Z, Z to A, Lowest Numbers to Highest Numbers (Vice Versa)
Fill Handle
Used to fill up the data by creating a series of values that either follows a pattern or check if the values we entered are of series