
Cards (6)

  • All agree:
    -An ideal society is one without a state
    -An ideal society should be based on personal liberty, rationality, happiness and achieving equilibrium of order
    -No existing forms of authority, coercive or hierarchical relationships
    -A stateless society will allow people's true human nature to flourish
    -Believe in a utopian society
  • Bakunin:
    -Associated with anarcho-communism, but far more nuanced and really just a collectivist. Opted for distribution according to work contributed rather than according to need
    -New social arrangements based on common ownership, mutual aid and economic equality
  • Kropotkin:
    -Anarcho-communist: distribution of resources according to need, not work contributed
    -New social arrangements based on common ownership, mutual aid and economic equality
  • Proudhon:
    -Rejects collectivism or trade unionism as it subordinates individual freedom and independence
    -Individuals will form unions of mutual assistance (mutualism), based on mutual aid
  • Stirner:
    -Society structured around individualism
    -Utopian system with no social or economic organisation
    -Any 'grouping' is driven by individual goals, not collective motivation
  • Goldman:
    -Based on individualism, but accepts that individuals can form cooperative relationships, which in turn facilitate social harmony
    -Belief in mutual aid, voluntarism and common interests to form her stateless society
    -Utopian system with no social or economic organisation
    -Any 'grouping' is driven by individual goals, not collective motivation