
Cards (23)

  • Development
    A complex term, but generally means people reaching an acceptable quality of life (health, sanitation, jobs, access to health care, shelter, food, water and the environment)
  • United Nations
    An intergovernmental organisation set up after the Second World War to promote peace and reduce poverty
  • Human Development Index (HDI)

    A summary measure of key dimensions of human development: health, education and a decent standard of living
  • World Bank
    An intergovernmental organisation who work to support economic development and reduce poverty
  • Development Compass Rose
    Helps us understand our work around development - N-natural, E-economic, S-social, W- who decides?
  • HDI
    A measure that includes both social (education and life expectancy) and economic (GNI per capita) measures. The value is between 0 and 1 (the higher the value the higher the HDI)
  • Development-related concepts
    • Sustainability
    • Vulnerability
    • Quality of life
    • Bilateral aid
    • Ecological footprint
    • Poverty
    • Inequality
    • Industrial Revolution
    • Economy
    • SDGs
  • Development-related organisations
    • BRICS
    • MINTS
    • DFID
    • NGO
    • United Nations
  • The sustainable goals
    1. No poverty
    2. No hunger
    3. Better healthcare
    4. Education for all
    5. Gender equality
    6. Clean water
    7. Energy for all
    8. Better economy
    9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
    10. Reduced inequalities
    11. Sustainable cities and communities
    12. Responsible consumption and production
    13. Climate action
    14. Protect life underwater
    15. Protect life on land
    16. World peace
    17. Partnership in obtaining the goals
    • Brazil
    • Russia
    • India
    • China
    • South Africa
  • Who is responsible for overseas aid in the UK?
    The Department For International Development
  • Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period.
  • GPI per capita
    Gross national income per person
  • 3 causes of poverty:
    • War
    • Natural disaster
    • Lack of equality
  • Bilateral aid
    When one government in a country provides support to another government in a different country
  • NGO's
    Non-Governmental Organisations. When charities raise money from the public to support development projects in other countries
  • Countries the UK supports
    • Afghanistan
    • Pakistan
    • Ethiopia
    • Somalia
    • Yemen
    • Kenya
    • South Sudan
    • Tanzania
    • D.R.C
    • Nigeria
  • How often is the census carried out in the UK?
    Every 10 years
  • Sustainable development
    Is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
  • Primary industry involves the production or extraction of raw materials and includes forestry, farming, fishing and mining.
  • Secondary industry is the manufacturing of goods. For example, the north west of England used to have a thriving textile industry making cloth from cotton, China has a thriving manufacturing sector producing electronics, and Germany is one of the largest manufacturer of cars.
  • Tertiary industry involves providing services to people, for example a cleaner or a doctor.
  • Quaternary industry is the newest sector and focuses on knowledge-based industries or high-tech industries such as ICT (information and communication technologies) and research and development