what is the difference between mechanical and chemical digestion?
mechanical is like chewing and manually breaking apart food, whereas chemical is more like enzymes reacting with the food and breaking it down
the three energy containing nutrients?
carbohydrates, fats, protein
carbs examples?β¨
pasta, potatoes, bread, rice, potato skins
minerals examples?β¨
cheese, calcium, milk, zinc
vitamins examples?β¨
C (carrot and brocoli), iron, zinc
water examples?β¨
H2O, oranges, watermelon, juice, cucumber
fats examples?β¨
nuts, cheese, butter, chocolate
protein examples?β¨
cheese, fish, beans, eggs
fibre examples?β¨
kale, potato skins, bananas
carbs are used for?
fats are used for?
short energy spurts and transporting minerals
proteins are used for?
growth repair
fibre is used for?β¨
digestion and less constipation
water is...?β¨
important for bodily functions
macromolecules are large, insoluble food molecules. The nutrients that are macromolecules are fats, proteins and carbs.
digestive system order?β¨
the digestive system starts in the mouth (where food is broken down with manual chewing - mechanical - and with enzymes - chemical) then stomach (where it is properly turned to mush) then small to large intestine then out of the bum as excrete!
chemical and mechanical digestion?
mechanical - this involves breaking food down into smaller pieces manually using teeth etc
chemical - this involves breaking smaller parts of food into tiny molecules using enzymes (found in saliva)
the teeth slice and grind the food up into smaller pieces to be swallowed. the tongue is a muscle to push food to the back of the throat. the glands squirt a liquid onto your food to break it down to swallow. the food then travels down the oesophagus to the stomach. in the stomach, the food is mashed and squeezed here, acid is added to kill microorganisms, enzymes break down the food into smaller organisms. then it goes through the small intestine and the small healthy bits diffuse into the blood stream..... go to pt 2
in the large intestine, excess water is absorbed into the bloodstream. in the rectum, undigested food and bacretia is stored until it is ready to be pooped out ;o and then it poopies itself out of the ANUS