Social Judgment

Cards (8)

  • Social Judgment Theory
    • Explains how individuals evaluate a new idea and belief in accordance with what they believe in
    • Individuals could either reject or accept an opinion based on their own point of view and stand
    • The success of persuasion varied depending on the message's content and the receiver's belief
  • Social Judgment Theory
    Answers the question, "What facilitates and what hinders your change of opinion and attitude toward something?"
  • Main Proponents of Social Judgment Theory
    • Muzafer Sherif
    • Carolyn Sherif
    • Carl Hovland
  • Anchor
    • Pre-established beliefs that are deeply ingrained in you, which can be right or wrong
    • We tend to see ideas close to our anchors as more alike than they really are, therefore we accept them more easily (assimilation)
  • Latitude
    • Latitude of acceptance (areas in an issue that an individual accepts)
    • Latitude of non-commitment (areas in an issue that an individual neither accepts nor rejects)
    • Latitude of rejection (areas in an issue that an individual rejects)
  • Degrees of Involvement
    • High Involvement: Your acceptance of different opinions is extremely limited, and your rejection of minimal differences is higher
    • Low Involvement: Your latitude of acceptance is wide and that of rejection is low, you're more open to different opinions
  • Confrontational Stance
    Aggressively showing disapproval towards an opinion, idea, or information and likely to start an argument or dispute
  • Two Fundamental Factors of Social Judgment Theory
    • Communication
    • Persuasion