class inequality, Marxism

Cards (9)

  • class inequality
    Due to power, unfairly distributed, the bourgeoisie can use digital communication to ideologically control the proletariat
    Althusser- ISA
  • Cornford & Robbins
    Bonjour control people via the media today because the bourgeoisie have an ideology and the people who own and controlled digital media capitalist and they want to make a profit, but also ideologically control the masses in the past the ruling class on the means of production which was factories, but today, power and money come from the media, including news and entertainment, which is reality and TV soaps
    Media is owned by smaller and smaller number of media influence society
  • example: Rupert, Murdock and sky
    Owner of hundreds of local national global publishing outlets, such as the Sun newspaper and owns 33% of British media
    Only his views of American were included as he controls it all
    Media convergence has encouraged people to accept the capitalist ideology because through moral panics are created and old media, such as newspaper is slow news, travelled, but now due to media convergence such as phones notifications are quick
  • Hall
    Divide and rule
  • Cornford & Robbins
    surveillance such as Alexa or foreign GPS and argue that digital media is surveillance which is a subtle way of regulating and controlling people in the interests of the wealthy because websites collect information such as cookies and get hold of your information and sharing with other companies
    Private companies, gather data and peoples use of social media and movement around the Internet as they try to pressure you into buying things you want such as offering discounts
  • Cornford & robbins
    Digital communication is a way for capitalism to control people suddenly through social media under the guise of protecting terrorism
    Information you provide online is collected and stored by companies and the government to keep track of you
  • AO3 to surveillance
    GDPR is general data protection regulation and hasn’t worked as company still store our information
  • The Snowden report

    Russian technology specialist who leaked US political history
    Revelation showed the US National security agency were monitoring US telephone records
    It had a negative effect as other countries didn’t want to share data with the US anymore
  • example
    The news of the world scandal- international phone hacking scandal British newspapers owned by Piers Morgan engaged in phone hacking police, bribery and exercising, improper influence in stories
    Examples of surveillance is Prince William and Kate messages whilst they dated where leaked