Succession readiness (ability to meet staff needs in future)
Financial resources performance indicators:
Profit and loss (Revenue earned/costs incurred)
Share prices
Revenue per available room (rooms revenue / rooms available)
Efficiency (ration of outputs to inputs)
Environmental and social resources performance indicators:
Cooperation with locals
Cooperation with non-governmental organizations
Employee wellbeing
Water usage
CO2 emissions
What is portfolio analysis (with examples)?
It is an evaluation of company's products in terms of market shares and market growth. Gives an answer are they well balanced with a particular view to the future.
Boston consulting group matrix (BCG):
Stars - (Big market share, big market growth)
Question mark (Small market share, big market growth)
Cash Cow (Big market share, small market growth)
Dog (Small share and growth)
Stages of product life-cycle analizys:
Core characteristics of introduction phase:
Ignorance and skepticism of customers
None or little competition
Changes in quality and design, unproven quality
High advertising amount and high price
Core characteristics of growth phase:
Bigger awareness of product from customers
Growing competition
Improve of quality
More massive production, economies of scale starts
Reduce of the price of marketing
Core characteristics of maturity phase:
Mass interest from Customers
Competition of customers choice
High reliability (quality)
Low production costs
Segmentation of audience, competitive strategy
Core characteristics of decline phase:
Customers seek for new products
Saturated market
Initial product is overtaken by new products
production over capacity
Marketing seek to re-launch
for S and W in SWOT it may be good to conduct internal analysis:
Resource audit, performance monitoring, evaluation of products
For O and T in SWOT it may be good to make external analysis: