Over the past 200years, the humanpopulation has increaseddramatically. In 1820 there were approximately1 billion humans on earth. Today there are almost 8billion.
The averageperson also eats a lot more than the averageperson did in the past, and the food they eat is often more resourceintensive to produce in the first place. For example meat and dairyrequire more resources to produce than rice or grain.
As a result, globalfoodproduction has had to increasemassively over the past 200years, and the followingfactors have helped make this possible:
Clearing of forests and other naturallands for agriculture
Application of fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals
Genetically modified organisms, also known as GMOs, are organisms whose genome has been modified. This normally involves the addition of a helpfulgene, such as a gene to causefaster growth, or a gene that makes the organismresistant to a disease.
Some crops have been genetically modified so that they produce toxins that killsinsectpests. This means that any insects that try to feed on them will die, and so won't be able to damage them - increasing the cropyield. This also means that farmers don't have to use as much chemicalpesticide.
an example of pest resistance is the 'Bttoxin', which is naturallyproduced by the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Scientists have inserted the gene for the Bttoxin into some cropspecies so that they produce the toxin, making them resistant to insectpests.
Increased nutrients
Some crops can be modified to increase the amount of usefulvitamins or minerals they contain.
For example, 'Golden Rice' has been geneticallymodified to produce a chemical that is converted to vitamin A in the body. This is helpful in regions of the world where vitaminA often causesdeficiency diseases, such as blindness.
Other examples of GMOs having improved traits:
Production of specificproteins (e.g. insulin)
Mycoprotein is a protein made by fungi that can be used to make highproteinmeatsubstitutes for vegetarianmeals. It is made by the fungusFusarium and grown in aerobicconditions on glucosesyrup.