the theory proposes we choose romantic partners by using a series of filters to narrow down the 'field of availables' from who we make our final choice
kerckhoff and Davis discovered that various filtering factors were present at different stages of the relationship
filter 1=social demography
refers to age, social background and location
social circumstances may reduce the amount of people we meet
we find people of the same social demography more attractive as they have more in common with us(social factors over individual factor)
filter 2=similarity in attitudes
an individuals psychological charactersitics- attitudes and values
kerckhoff and davis found successfull long term relationships seem to where couples have similar attitudes and personalities
through disclosure, partners able to weigh up their decision to continue or terminate relationship
filter 3= complementary of needs
2 people compliment eachother to form a 'whole'
supporting common belief opposites attract
eg a young woman who lacks economic resources may feel attracted to someone with money
supportive research-kerckhoff and davis
used 94 dating couples at USA university
each partner completed an initial 2 questionaires relating to 1)shared attitudes and values 2)complementary needs
7 months later completed a 3rd questionaire to assess how close they felt now compared to at beginning
findings= those dating for less than 18 months shared similarity of attitudes and values was significant to how close they felt to partner. compared to LONG TERM= complementary needs most important factor