Digital Forensics

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  • A virtual machine is a an environment that is isolated from the rest of the system it is running on.
    It is intangible.
  • A sandbox is a virtual environment that allows you to test your application without affecting the production environment.
    It is used to run suspect code.
  • Metadata: Information about a file and the context of the file.
  • Metadata examples:
    • author
    • date created
    • date modified
    • file size
  • Exif data (Exchangeable Image File Format) is metadata about an image file. Includes sets of metadata tags called labels.
  • Data verification checks different types of data for accuracy and consistency.
  • Hashing takes an input and processes it to produce a unique value of numbers by applying an algorithm.
  • Hashing rules:
    • No matter how long the input is the length of the output will always be the same. (When using same algorithm).
    • Hashed text can't be changed back to normal text.
    • the same input will always result in the same hash every time you regenerate it with the same algorithm.
    • Different algorithms have different hashes for the same input.
  • Watermarks are often used as a basic means of Data verification.
  • Logs can hep developers find bugs and improve software performance.
    Companies use them to decide prices.
    Internet browsers, printers, and activity trackers use logs.
  • Pieces of data in a log is called fields, separated by one or more characters called delimiters (such as commas), This is called CSV format.
  • CSV is short for comm separated values.
  • Logs store the following data:
    • When application has been started up or shut down.
    • Installing new software on device.
    • Reading and then deleting an email.
    • Failed login attempts to a system.
  • Pivot tables can be used to group and display data differently to how it looks when loaded. Data can be summed [=SUM()], Averaged [=AVG()], or counted [=COUNTED()].
  • Filtering is used with large datasets that focuses on smaller parts of the data.
  • Sorting can be used to sort data alphabetically, in chronological order, or numerically.
  • Hiding or showing information to focus on particular data is called filtering.
  • Searching information is called querying.
  • 2021-05-04, 08:42:17, kenobi, 1, 100, tatooine-office-7, always.docx,
    date: 2021-05-04
    Time: 08:42:17
    User: kenobi
    Pages: 1
    Copies: 100
    Printer: tatooine-office-7
    Document: always.docx
    Sender IP:
  • Protocols are a set of rules that allows communication and transfers of data between computers.
  • Miscommunication can happen if data is not ordered or structured as the computer expects.
  • IP stands for internet protocol.
  • HTTP stands for Hypertext transfer protocol.
  • SMTP stands for simple mail transfer protocol.
  • IMAP stands for internet message access protocol.
  • IP and HTTP are for sending data between computers on a network.
  • SMTP is for sending emails.
  • IMAP is for receiving emails.
  • IP addresses are needed in a network to identify which computers are sending messages and which computers are receiving messages.
  • IPv4 Addresses are 4 numbers between 0-255, 32 bits long and is the fourth version of IP addresses.
  • IPv6 is 128 bits long and is the most recent IP version.
  • IMAP logs tell us what people do with the email.
  • IMAP events are sent to the mail server and the mail server then sends the event to the client.
  • Expunge is to remove something unwanted.
  • Datasets are used to store , update, and access huge amounts of data.
    • Most common datasets are relational datasets.
  • End User License Agreement or EULA is an agreement made between the digital software and the user.
    Legalities of the use of the product.
  • Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) are a set of rules that govern how organizations handle personal information. This includes international companies.
  • Threat models outlines a variety of different threats to a network.
  • Hiding or showing information to focus on particular data is called:
  • File metadata includes.
    Date Modified