A virtual machine is a an environment that is isolated from the rest of the system it is running on.
It is intangible.
A sandbox is a virtual environment that allows you to test your application without affecting the production environment.
It is used to run suspect code.
Metadata: Information about a file and the context of the file.
Metadata examples:
date created
date modified
file size
Exif data (Exchangeable Image File Format) is metadata about an image file. Includes sets of metadata tags called labels.
Data verification checks different types of data for accuracy and consistency.
Hashing takes an input and processes it to produce a unique value of numbers by applying an algorithm.
Hashing rules:
No matter how long the input is the length of the output will always be the same. (When using same algorithm).
Hashed text can't be changed back to normal text.
the same input will always result in the same hash every time you regenerate it with the same algorithm.
Different algorithms have different hashes for the same input.
Watermarks are often used as a basic means of Data verification.
Logs can hep developers find bugs and improve software performance.
Companies use them to decide prices.
Internet browsers, printers, and activity trackers use logs.
Pieces of data in a log is called fields, separated by one or more characters called delimiters (such as commas), This is called CSV format.
CSV is short for comm separated values.
Logs store the following data:
When application has been started up or shut down.
Installing new software on device.
Reading and then deleting an email.
Failed login attempts to a system.
Pivot tables can be used to group and display data differently to how it looks when loaded. Data can be summed [=SUM()], Averaged [=AVG()], or counted [=COUNTED()].
Filtering is used with large datasets that focuses on smaller parts of the data.
Sorting can be used to sort data alphabetically, in chronological order, or numerically.
Hiding or showing information to focus on particular data is called filtering.
Protocols are a set of rules that allows communication and transfers of data between computers.
Miscommunication can happen if data is not ordered or structured as the computer expects.
IP stands for internet protocol.
HTTP stands for Hypertext transfer protocol.
SMTP stands for simple mail transfer protocol.
IMAP stands for internet message access protocol.
IP and HTTP are for sending data between computers on a network.
SMTP is for sending emails.
IMAP is for receiving emails.
IP addresses are needed in a network to identify which computers are sending messages and which computers are receiving messages.
IPv4 Addresses are 4 numbers between 0-255, 32 bits long and is the fourth version of IP addresses.
IPv6 is 128 bits long and is the most recent IP version.
IMAP logs tell us what people do with the email.
IMAP events are sent to the mail server and the mail server then sends the event to the client.
Expunge is to remove something unwanted.
Datasets are used to store , update, and access huge amounts of data.
Most common datasets are relational datasets.
End User License Agreement or EULA is an agreement made between the digital software and the user.
Legalities of the use of the product.
Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) are a set of rules that govern how organizations handle personal information. This includes international companies.
Threat models outlines a variety of different threats to a network.
Hiding or showing information to focus on particular data is called: