Cards (24)

  • HTML describes content.
  • CSS describes style
  • HTML stands for hypertext markup language
  • HTML describes the information that is displayed on a web page, including text, images, and other multimedia.
  • CSS describes the appearance of a document, including fonts, colors, and layout.
  • Elements are information that is headings, paragraphs, links, and image.
  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css"> Definition of Rel and Href?
    • Rel = relationship linking to a stylesheet.
    • href = Location of the style sheet.
  • Selector: A type of HTML element that selects the html elements the styles should apply to. Comes before braces ({}).
  • Value: What the property will be set to. After colon (:)
  • Styles: Changes the formatting and presentation of the text, such as font, font size, and font color.
  • em is short for emphasis. Creates italics.
  • <br></br> is a line break.
  • Span: Groups text inside another element and applies a different style to it.
  • CSS formatting: property: value;
  • Putting an image into a website: <img src="cat.jpg" alt="a picture of a cat">
  • src = file name of the image.
  • alt = the text that should appear if the file name is missing.
  • <a> the opening tag of an anchor link.
  • Link text is the words that the user reads and can click on the link.
  • font-size: _px
  • White Space:
    Use less white space between related things, like paragraphs.
    • Use more white space between less related things, like different sections and headings.
    • Use a lot of white space around something if you want to draw attention to it.
  • What does EULA stand for?
    End User License Agreement.
  • The following companies would need to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles?
    1. Google
    2. Microsoft
    3. Your school
  • The following are examples of logging that commonly occur on computers
    1. Which user logged into the computer.
    2. Email servers track received and sent emails.
    3. Print servers track printing activity.
    4. browser history.