Exam revision - Human bio

Cards (272)

  • Epithelial tissue location
    Covering and lining organs, blood vessels and glands.
  • Epithelial tissue function
    Protection, secretion and absorption of materials
  • Epithelial tissue key structure
    Avascular (not associated with or supplied by blood vessels)
  • Avascular
    without blood vessels, no blood supply
  • Epithelial tissue-Other

    Regenerates quickly
  • Epithelial tissue types
    Simple cuboidal, simple squamous, simple columnar and stratified squamous.
  • Connective tissue location
    Fat, blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, bones and cartilage.
  • Connective tissue functions
    -Supports and holds body together
    -Stores energy (adipose tissue)
    -Transports materials (through blood)
    -Wound healing and structural repair (blood)
  • Connective tissue key structure
    -Cells are separated by materials 'matrix'
    -Elastin-> elastic
  • Connective tissue-other

    Takes time to regenerate (ie bones)
  • Connective tissue types
    Blood, loose connective tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage, bone and dense tissue.
  • Muscular tissue types
    Cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle and smooth muscle
  • Muscular tissue location
    Skeletal —> Attached to bones
    Smooth —> Walls of internal organs
    Cardiac —> Heart
  • Muscular tissue functions
    Skeletal —> heat production, voluntary movement and posture.
    Smooth —> involuntary movement (digestive system, uterus)
    Cardiac —> heart contracts to pump blood.
  • Muscular tissue key structures
    Skeletal —> long & thin, striated (stripes), contractile proteins, multi-nucleic and parallel.
    Smooth —> non-striated (no stripes), mono-nucleic and tapered shaped.
    Cardiac —> branched, separated by intercalated discs, mono-nucleic and striated.
  • Muscular tissue- other
    Cardiac muscle —> NEVER tires, irreplaceable and is its own nerve tissue.
  • Nervous tissue location
    Brain, spinal cord, nerves and peripheral system.
  • Nervous tissue function
    Sends messages across the body through nerve impulses (electrochemical signal)
  • Nerve impulses

    Electrochemical signals
  • Nervous tissue key structures
    Made of neurons
  • Neurons
    Long projectiles extending from the body of the cell.
  • Nervous tissue- other
    Neurons can't be regenerated.
  • Dendrites
    Branchlike parts of a neuron that are specialized to receive information.
  • Animal cell organelles (17)
    Cytoskeleton, centrioles, Golgi apparatus, nucleolus, nucleus/nuclear membrane, DNA=Chromatin, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, cell membrane, vacuole, nuclear pore, microtubules, cytoplasm, rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, lysosomes and Perioxsome.
  • Animal v plant cell
    No cell wall in animal cells, only cell membrane.
    Plant cell: has one BIG vacuole
    Animal cell: has multiple small vacuoles
  • DNA
  • Mitochondria
    Membrane-bound organelle at which cell respiration takes place, releasing energy for cellular respiration.
  • Golgi apparatus

    Organelle at which polypeptides, produced by the ribosome, are sent for packaging and transporting to their intended destination.
  • Nucleolus
    Contains rRNA which is used to make ribosomes.
  • Microtubles
    Proteins which form the cells cytoskeleton, providing structure and shape.
  • Cytoskeleton
    Complex, dynamic network of interconnecting protein filaments which provide support and shape to a cell.
  • Nuclear membrane/nulceus

    Structure which separates genetic material from the cells cytoplasm and other organelles.
  • Chromatin
    Mixture of DNA and proteins that condenses to form chromosomes during cell division.
  • Lysosomes
    Membrane-bound organelle which contains digestive enzymes which break down worn cells or organelles, or invading microorganisms.
  • Centrioles
    Barrel shaped organelles responsible for producing microtubules which seperate the chromosomes during cell division.
  • Nucleus
    Stores genetic material.
  • Rough endoplasmic reticulum
    Folds and processes proteins that have been made at the ribosomes and assists in protein synthesis.
  • Perioxsomes
    Small vesicles which contain enzymes that required for metabolic processes (chemical reactions)
  • Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
    Synthesises and processes lipids
  • Nuclear pore
    A channel which controls the movement of materials into and out of the nucleus.