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Cards (25)

  • Whole method:
    + Get the feeling of the movement (kinesthesis)
    + Learning is quicker.
    + Allows you to know what the end product looks like
    -Not good for complex skills
    -Not good for dangerous skills
    -Some beginners may not be able to cope with it
  • Part method:
    +Better understanding of the technique+Good for beginners and keeping motivation high+Good for complex and dangerous skills-Don’t know what the end product looks like-Don’t get a feel for movement.
    -Transfer back to whole doesn’t always work
  • Visual
    +Good for creating a mental picture (good for beginners)
    +Very easy to deliver and fairly fast+Can just show one part of the skill which helps to prevent information overload-Demonstrations sometimes incorrect-What you see might be lacking technical information.
    -Might not be watching most important part of demonstration
    -Demonstration needs to be shown several times
  • Verbal
    +Can be used for immediate feedback and tactics+Used to highlight the most important parts of technique.
    +Can be motivating as it can be used to praise.
    -Can lead to info overload and time consuming
    -Some movements can be difficult to put into words
    -Can be really demotivating as may not understand what they’re trying to do
  • Manual/mechanical
    +Good for safety+Allow some kinaesthesis.
    +Can be quite motivating as gives degree of success.
    -Can give false sense of feeling of the movement-Over reliant on support and scared without it
    -Can be demotivating as they feel they can’t do the skill without help
  • Intrinsic
    +Can correct the movement whilst actually doing it so feedback is immediate
    +Don’t have to rely on another person to give you feedback
    -If you’re a beginner, don’t know how movement should feel so can’t give yourself intrinsic feedback-Not everyone can interpret their own info so learning would be hindered
  • Extrinsic
    +Help with motivation
    +Good coaching points can lead to improvement
    -Not always available-Ove reliant
    +Good for motivation, building self esteem and confidence
    +Good for letting people know what they’re doing correctly so they can keep doing it
    -Doesn’t help improve if you only receive positive feedback
    -Over praise then people start to ignore it
  • Negative
    +Some performers like to know to improve as it motivates+Good for autonomous stage
    -Can be demotivating if in cognitive stage
    -If its not constructive criticism then it wont help improve
  • KoR
    +Good for beginners and motivation+Without knowing outcome it can be difficult to learn-Doesn’t really help you improve
    -Could be patronising to those in autonomous stage
  • KoP
    +Help improve technique
    +help develop own intrinsic feedback
    -Can be demotivating if in cognitive stage
    -Coach isn’t experienced could give you wrong points of technique to work on
  • MSM
    +Simplifies memory process
    +Explains why if have amnesia can remember old things not new
    -To simplified, why remember songs not French
    -Not really explain distinction between STM and LTM
  • Levels of processing
    +Explains if understand more likely to remember+Longer consideration more likely to remember
    -Longer time not always lead to better recall
    -Not account for individual differences, some remember easy
  • Drive theory:
    +Does eplain why experts can perform at high arousal and beginners need low arousal
    -Doesn’t explain how experts become over aroused-Doesn’t take personality/task into account
  • Inverted U Theory:
    +Explains why everyones optimum is slightly different
    +Does take into account task/personality
    -Doesn’t explain why some people have a drastic drop in performance as opposed to a gradual drop
    -Doesn’t separate cognitive and somatic arousal
  • Catastrophe:
    +More realistic theory than others+explains why peoples performance can suddenly deteriorate
    -Doesn’t explain why some people never experience this sharp decline but just the gradual decline
  • Instinct theory of aggression
    +Lots of people do use sport as release
    +Lots of people do show aggression if built up frustration
    -Not all people are aggressive
    -Aggression often planned and not spontaneous
    -Aggression often a copy of what others have done
  • Fustration-aggression hypothesis
    +Some people do feel better after releasing aggression particularly if feel their act was successful+If people think perceived unfairness this can frustrate causing aggression
    -Fustration doesn’t always lead to aggression, plenty of people can control themselves
    Aggressive Cue hypothesis
    +Just because it explains how get frustrated, it doesn’t necessarily lead to aggression
    +Links whether your aggressive or not to situation your in
    -Same cue can get diff response from same person at diff times
    -We know aggression is inappropriate so should be able to control ourselves
  • Social learning theory
    +We know reinforcement can make people repeat there behaviour as they like to praise
    +We know people do copy sig others as research to reinforce this
    -Often we do copy others, even if are role models too us
    -People can have a strong sense of independence, sometimes we might be aggressive even if our role models haven’t show that behaviour   
  • Emergent leaders:
    +Respect from team, already know team, lead by example, communication easier
    -Not everyone may agree on leader, limited choice, no leadership experience
  • Prescribed
    +No favourites, good if been selected, easier to enforce change
    -Can cause breakdown in cohesion, communication could be difficult, no idea how to motivate team
  • Trait Theory:
    +Popular belief leaders are born+Explains how someone confident but no leadership experience can just take charge
    -Doesn’t explain how can be a good leader on sports pitch but not off
    -Doesn’t take into account vicarious learning
  • SLT
    +Shows importance of social environment+Explains why if experienced a good leader you can become one
    -Doesn’t take into account the traits people might have like assertiveness
    -Doesn’t explain why 2 people can have a good leader and 1 can go on to be a good leader and other cant
  • Interactionist
    +Explains why someone can be a leader in one situation but not in another+Most popular theory
    -Some still believe in ‘nature’ approach
    -Some people think your sitting on the fence