Pyschosexual theory by Sigmund Freud

Cards (21)

  • Development of personality based on sexuality. Psychosexual Theory
  • Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Theory
    Oral Stage
    Anal Stage
    Phallic Stage
    Latency Stage
    Genital Stage
  • pleasure area: erogenous zone
  • oral stage: mouth; anal: ___ anus
  • Failure to satisfy the needs. fixation
  • A type of personality which has a stronger tendency to smoke, drink, alcohol, overeat. Oral receptive
  • A tendency to bite his or her nails or use curse words or even gossip. Oral aggressive
  • The child find satisfaction in eliminating and retaining feces. Anal stage
  • an obsession with cleanliness, perfection, and control. Anal retentive
  • the person becomes messy and disorganized. Anal expulsive
  • The pleasure or erogenous zone is the genital (self). Phallic
  • boys develop unconscious sexual desire for their mother - Oedipus complex
  • girls develop unconscious sexual desire for their father - Electra complex
  • During this stage that sexual urges remain repressed. Latency stage
  • Begins at the start of puberty when sexual urges are again awakened. Genital stage
  • Pleasure area of Genital stage is Genitals (opposite sex)
  • Pleasure principle: Id; Reality principle: ___ ego
  • morality principle: ___ Superego
  • Freud believes that most of what influences us is our environment. Unconscious
  • Aware of are stored in our conscious mind. Conscious
  • This is part of us that we can reach if prompted but is not in our active conscious. Subconscious