Occurs in the country from late October to March and affects the eastern part of the country, bringing cool dry airthatcomes from ahigh pressure over Siberia, which helps weaken cyclones
The gradual increase of the overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, bringing changes in Earth's climate and affecting rainfall patterns and arrival seasons, as well as extreme weather conditions
Greenhouse gases play a crucial role in keeping our planet warm. However, an increased amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may result in a significant rise in the overall temperature of Earth.
A significant climate phenomena because of its ability to alter or change the atmospheric circulation of the world, affecting temperature and precipitation. There are three phases: El Niño, LaNiña, and neutral.
Refers to the warming of the ocean surface in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. The warming of the coastal waters is referred to as El Niño (niño is the Spanish word for littleboy or the Christ child) because it often occurs during the Christmas holiday. The cycle begins when the warm water in the western tropical Pacific Ocean shifts eastward toward South America. El Niño becomes stronger as the ocean waters become warmer.
Refers to the climate pattern that is characterized by the cooling of the ocean surface along the tropical west coast in South America or eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. La Niña is stronger with cooler ocean temperatures. Which means little girl in spanish.
A type of tropical cyclone that forms over tropical or subtropical waters, with winds of 74 mph or more, occurring in the North Atlantic, Central North Pacific, and eastern North Pacific
Rawinsonde is an electronic device used for measuring wind speed, pressure, temperature, and humidity, attached to a balloon as it makes measurements in the atmosphere