SEWAGE TREATMENT STEPS: screening, sedimentation and aerobic biological treatment
screening removes large solid objects and grit from waste water
sedimentation is when sludge settles out of mixture. The watery liquid above sludge is called effluent which contains many potentially harmful microorganisms
aerobic biological treatment is the useful bacteria in effluent feed on remaining organic matter and harmful microorganism. This breaks them down aerobically
Potable water is water that is safe to drink and isn't pure as it contains dissolved substances
potable water has pH between 6.5 & 8.5, dissolved susbtances will be in small quantites and free of bacteria
Difference between potable and pure water is that pure water is solely made up of H2O molecules, whereas potable water may contain different substances usually dissolved minerals and salts
sewage is the general name for waste water from homes, businesses and industry
sewage treatment removes organic matter and harmful microoganisms from sewage and agricultural waste water.
industrial waste water may also need harmful chemicals removes to make the sewage safe to return to environment
finite resources are being used up at faster rate than they can be replaced and will eventually run out
renewable resources are those that can be replaced at same rate as they are used up
sustainability is developments that meet needs of society now without endangering ability of future generations to meet their needs
in plastics industries to increase sustainability, polymers are produced from ethene which can be made from ethanol from sugar cane
Natural resources are used to provide food, warmth, shelter and transport and are found in earth's crust, oceans and atmosphere
examples of natural products replaced by synthetic ones, rubber from sap of trees with polymers
most copper is extracted from copper-rich ores
scrap iron can be added to solutions of copper compounds to displace copper