Subdecks (8)

Cards (114)

  • Explain how the Casparian strip prevents ions from reaching the xylem of the plant by the apoplast pathway.
    • the strip is impervious to water
    • forces the solutions to pass through the cell surface membrane
    • the phospholipid bilayer repels the charged particles
  • How does flooding affect water potential in the soil?
    It lowers it
  • Explain why large multicellular plants need a transport system.
    • long distance from external surface to cells
    • small surface area to volume ratio
    • diffusion is not fast nough
  • What type of cell makes up cambium?
  • For which macromolecule does a plant need both nitrogen and phosphorus?
  • Explain why water molecules can form hydrogen bonds with nitrate (NO3 –) ions
    • water is a polar molecule
    • nitrate ions are charged/ negative
    • hydrogen bonds form between the H on water and the O on nitrate ions
  • Explain how a process that occurs in the cell surface membrane of the endodermis in the root causes water to enter the endodermis
    • solutes enter against the concentration gradient by active transport
    • which reduces the water potential of the endodermis
    • water diffuses by osmosis down the water potential gradient.