Plant Exchange

Cards (5)

  • What is the pressure in the phloem of a plant?
    Around 2000 kPa
  • What are the three main reasons that multicellular plants need transport systems?
    1. Metabolic Demands
    2. Size
    3. Surface Area to Volume ratio
  • Why do plants need transport systems because of metabolic demands?
    Many internal or underground parts of a plant cannot make their own glucose for energy via photosynthesis, so need glucose and oxygen transported to them. Hormones and mineral ions also need to be moved.
  • Why do mineral ions need to be moved around a plant?
    So they can be moved to all cells for protein production
  • Why is the surface area to volume ratio not simple in plants?
    The leaves are adapted to have a large surface area to volume ratio, but when taking into account the stems, trunks and roots the overall SA:V ratio may be quite small